
Thursday 1 December 2011


My mom sendt me an Advents kalender. Or two, to be more precise: one that is basically a big lottery thingy: each day I scrape forth a little picture, and hopefully by the 24th I will have 3 gingerbreadmen and 750 000 NOK. And then there is the present-kalender. And I KNOW that one of them is two Troika chocolates and one is 200 grs milk chocolate from Freia. And I am seriously candy-sick. (and my english suck today)


(And yeah: I am still 31.)

My "gift" for today was Nemi, a comic that I get every month in Norway: It would have been an even better read with a Troika..

And cheese doodles. And fuzzy beverages. And Macarons. They make the most delicious ones in "Le petite croissant" and it is not that far walking.

Sugar? Chocolate?

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