
Sunday 2 October 2011

Stupid ear

Welcome to the first rant-party of October!

I have water in my left ear. On the bright side I got it swimming, and in an almost empty pool, so no touching hairy legs underwater.

My room, although fine in every way, has those windows that are only for decoration, and so after two weeks I have had enough of cars. Especially diesel-cars, and motorcycles. I'll talk to the owner on monday to ask if I can move to the smaller room, it might be more cramped, but I will not have the street with me at all times.. If I cannot change I'll have to start looking for another room somewhere.. jippi.

At least my waterlogged left ear will come in handy, as I cannot hear a thing with it.


mispapelicos said...

Thank you so much for following my blog.

Hvitveis said...

;) De nada! Found it through Anika's blog..