Always look on the bright side of life! This has been a few months of crapola all over the place. I freaked out completely on exams in September so helllooo complications! Tomorrow I will have my first session of TankeFeltTerapi after a recomendation from a coworker. I so hope it will give me some tools, but I have not read about the theories behind the therapy as I get frustrated with the general vagueness of alternative therapy explanations. (I get the same feeling whenever I encounter it in school-medicine also. ) But then the most important part is that the therapeut believes that it will work, so I have hopes.
I bumped the car. That is, someone bumped into me but it was I who was driving wrong. Would not have happened had I bothered to actually look at the indications in the lane instead of driving as "everyone else".
And then there are other shitty things I will not discuss on the net, that has brought every little insecurity I have about myself out in the open and reduces me to a sobbering mess at the smallest provocation. That will prove intresting tomorrow at the tft session. I'll probably spend the hour and half crying...In a way it is good, because having my insecurities out there means I can confront them. But it leaves me without anything to give at work(home for the elderly), emotionally. And I am operating on a very short fuse. Me, who is normally so patient (except with waiting for amazon parcels..)had to leave a room to avoid saying some really nasty things to a patient.
A socially accepted way to give in to my narcisistic tendencies. MY opinions, MY life, ME!!ME!!!...ahem. Sorry about that.
Thursday, 11 November 2010
Tuesday, 21 September 2010
Friday, 17 September 2010
Saturday, 11 September 2010
new books
I have ordered books from Amazon...And it takes sooooo looooooong for them to arrive. At least until the 20th! I do not have this problem with either xmas or my birthday, I seem to be perfectly able to wait with a plesant butterfly in my stomach. But waiting for a parcel? I seem to remember suffering the same feeling of slowed time when I was young and innocent and unworldly and waiting a week for the next episode of Pride and Prejudice and Mr Darcy to be aired at NRK. Sight.
This week is going to be eternal.
This week is going to be eternal.
Monday, 23 August 2010
Thank you, that was enough sun for now......It is HOT in Zaragoza right now. As in 35ยบ C in the SHADE hot. It makes me want to tear off my skin and stick my head in the freezer. Anyways, back in town, back to study-frenzy-angst routine.
Nuff of that.
I cleaned the car today! I have ITV tomorrow and it was so dirty it was embarrasing. Nothing to be done with all the dog hair though. The more I take away the more grows forth from the seats. There is probably about 5 years of accumulated hairs inside the upholstery.....uch.
Nuff of that.
I cleaned the car today! I have ITV tomorrow and it was so dirty it was embarrasing. Nothing to be done with all the dog hair though. The more I take away the more grows forth from the seats. There is probably about 5 years of accumulated hairs inside the upholstery.....uch.
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Summer, Where are u?
Gray, rainy, windy and temps rarely over 20 Celsius. And now they are saying some massive rainclouds are coming in from Sweden...I want the sun!
Tuesday, 15 June 2010
Thursday, 10 June 2010
There is a lot of wind in Zaragoza. So much so, that even wearing full length summer dress, reaching the floor, I end up with it around my ears to the entertainment of all the people on the streets. Sight. Not the first time, not the last. I remember some years ago in summer, coming home to Oslo. I wore a dress and did not notice the airvents outside, going to the car. Classic Marilyn Monroe scene only I am not a georgeous blonde, nor flirtingly covering my underwear...
On another note, but still not to far off I am randomly clicking my way through fashion blogs and getting inspired and slightly depressed. Thifting in Zaragoza is.. well, it is almost none existent. In a city of over half a million people, there are about two second hand clothes shops.
And did I mention the wind? So all those lovely fifties full skirt dresses in those pictures are just not very realistic, unless I by some sets of weights you can pin on tablecloths and decorate DIY style around the hem.
And I think I will go blonde. I have had every shade there is of black, voilet, red, orange, copper... but it is a bit scarey. Not a lot of noce sunstreaked blondes in Spain, more of the yellowing old bookpages thing..
On another note, but still not to far off I am randomly clicking my way through fashion blogs and getting inspired and slightly depressed. Thifting in Zaragoza is.. well, it is almost none existent. In a city of over half a million people, there are about two second hand clothes shops.
And did I mention the wind? So all those lovely fifties full skirt dresses in those pictures are just not very realistic, unless I by some sets of weights you can pin on tablecloths and decorate DIY style around the hem.
And I think I will go blonde. I have had every shade there is of black, voilet, red, orange, copper... but it is a bit scarey. Not a lot of noce sunstreaked blondes in Spain, more of the yellowing old bookpages thing..
Monday, 7 June 2010
It is nice to live in Spain
Our new flat is faced north south, with the gallery going south and there is enough room to sunbathe! We get sun there from about twelve now, and while I know perfectly well the "avoid midday sun rule" I spray on suncream 25 and do max 20 min on each side. Just enough to get that warm comfy sleepy feeling, and some vit D production going. I have so far not tanned anything, but then that is not the goal.. Being exam period, I spend most of my day in a room with the blinds down, so it is good to get some light..And the best thing about it: I dont have to worry about hairs. Witch for me is a major thing.
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
The Eurovision Song Contest (GP in norway) is back in business! Butterfly wings! Playmobile hair! Opa! False notes and weird dancing, and a fiddle player in every song! Cringeworthy lyrics! And it is only the semi final! I will run out of exlamation marks!
I almost did in my pants with the wing-stunt, I mean: I was already having a lovely time with the slight off tunes, the solemnity and the wannabe boyband factor and then Bam! They sprouted wings....
Looking forward to saturay. (!)
I almost did in my pants with the wing-stunt, I mean: I was already having a lovely time with the slight off tunes, the solemnity and the wannabe boyband factor and then Bam! They sprouted wings....
Looking forward to saturay. (!)
Monday, 17 May 2010
17. mai

picture found in dagbladet, this author right thing is hard stuff, if the photographer objects to my using it, I'll take it down at once.
It is the waddoyoucallit national day? in Norway, and for the first time in years I am a bit sad not to be there. My traditional costume could do with an airing, and there is this certain energy in Norway that day that I miss. It is when a mostly calm, timid, quiet people suddely turn outgoing, smiling to everyone on the street, and shouting in public while wawing small flags. It is done with a sheepish look on our faces, I must add, but that is part of the charm.
It is an eat-all-the-icecream-you-can-day, and barbecue-parties in the evening are frecuent if not warm.(rain, even snow would not be unusual, warm weather is something of a rarity)
There are parades in the morning with all the schools, and the "skolekorps" are out there providing background music of national anthem and every other patriotic song and military march there is. And for a small country we have a lot of them.
The day is about celebrating our constitution, signed in May in 1814 (I hope I remember this right..). And in a way it is also a sort of welcome of spring without it being said or thought. Greenery and flowers are used as decoration and we spend most of the day outside.. A sort of belated May-day.
Anyways, I feel a bit lost here at the other end of Europe, looking at the pictures in the newspapers.. But this evening I will, if I have time before ballet class, eat pistachio ice cream, strolling down to El pilar and to the river and bask in the sun.
Friday, 14 May 2010
Cleanliness is next to godliness
I am one of those persons that do not see untidy clothes on the floor, crusty plates in the sink and other less savory things. (I do have weekly cleaning habits of the necesary kind: bathroom, kitchen, change of bed...)
In some ways it is a blessing: I will not have a hissy-fit over dirty windows, but on the other hand, it would be good to "see" once in a while because at one point I will. As just now with my keybord.
It is disgusting.
I'll go and find some alcohol, and wash my hands.
And then I think about all the other things I regularily touch and have not thought about cleaning. The remote control. The buttons on the cd-player. My mp3, cellphone...uch, uch, uch. All full of dead skin, grease and miscellancelous biomass. I am grossing myself out. Guess what I'll be doing this week end?
Curious how my brain suddenly register these things just around exam-prepping time..
In some ways it is a blessing: I will not have a hissy-fit over dirty windows, but on the other hand, it would be good to "see" once in a while because at one point I will. As just now with my keybord.
It is disgusting.
I'll go and find some alcohol, and wash my hands.
And then I think about all the other things I regularily touch and have not thought about cleaning. The remote control. The buttons on the cd-player. My mp3, cellphone...uch, uch, uch. All full of dead skin, grease and miscellancelous biomass. I am grossing myself out. Guess what I'll be doing this week end?
Curious how my brain suddenly register these things just around exam-prepping time..
Monday, 22 February 2010
Coming up for a breath of air.
Where did all those boxes come from? How have I accumulatet all this stuff?
Thursday, 21 January 2010
No wonder
No wonder I was feeling out of sorts on monday. I went to ballet, and suddenly I could not see clearly. Stars all over the vision and no way of focusing...It made for an interesting class, until I managed to unmuddle my head enough to get my butt home and clean the cubboard for paracet. I did it in time, and slept through the migraine..
The boxes are piling up around here, and the Move is next week. Ouch.
The boxes are piling up around here, and the Move is next week. Ouch.
Monday, 18 January 2010
It is one of those days
Another card out of order. It is the third in one year, and this last time I have tried to only use atm machines (or holes in the wall. I love that expression)and not the shops, and yet it has only laster half a year. And dinner is experimental, and too much so, since it is turning out a bit crap. and slow. urkh. These things in themeselves is not so bad, but I woke up this morning not really feeling up to facing the world. Must be my hibernating gland kicking into action. Then anything more ardous than going to the loo is percievet as the End of the World!
Friday, 8 January 2010
I was going to put up all this lovely books I have read in xmas, as I made a teensy trip to Waterstones in Birmingham and came out with all these little treasures. One about medieval times in England, another about the governessing through the times, the graveyard book by Neil Gaiman, and one called the morville hours and another one. But I started PACKING today and the bookshelves are the first to go into boxes, and so until I pick them out again I am without precise titles and authors names.
And We have bought a KITCHEN! And there is electricity in the new flat, and we have bought painting...
And We have bought a KITCHEN! And there is electricity in the new flat, and we have bought painting...
no animal was harmed in the last post
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
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