
Thursday, 21 January 2010

No wonder

No wonder I was feeling out of sorts on monday. I went to ballet, and suddenly I could not see clearly. Stars all over the vision and no way of focusing...It made for an interesting class, until I managed to unmuddle my head enough to get my butt home and clean the cubboard for paracet. I did it in time, and slept through the migraine..

The boxes are piling up around here, and the Move is next week. Ouch.


Anonymous said...

Wow - I haven't checked for ages because you hadn't updated and now you will have moved. I hope it all went well and that you are happy in your new home. Best wishes, Anna (notbob) xx

Hvitveis said...

Thank you, but not yet!We are living in my mother in laws flat, she is a dear so that is not a problem, and waiting for the kitchen and for my exams to end so I can start doing things like putting up furniture, painting and clean up all the building internet at mil flat, so I am rarely on. :)