A socially accepted way to give in to my narcisistic tendencies. MY opinions, MY life, ME!!ME!!!...ahem. Sorry about that.
Thursday, 18 December 2008
'allo, listen very carefully
I spent the weekend in Copenhagen and had a smashing time. My best friend lives there, has been for the last two years and I had yet to visit. Shame on me I know, but my no-studielån economy has not allowed for anything of that sort. It is the first weekend trip I have done on my own and I now I understand why people go on holiday shopping to London and Paris. I will do the same when I am a filthy rich plastic surgeon...since I am bending all my will to winning the loteria de Navidad this year I do not even have to wait that long...happiness can really be bought. It is found in all those heartbreaking beutiful things in small Copenhagen shops. They are so beautiful I found myself beeing quite happy and content, sipping a cup of delicious aspargus soup, watching the displays in the window, feeding my soul on beauty, without bying anything. Maybe being able to by the things would have ruined it somehow.
Apart from discovering my greedy inner self, I also lapped up the christmas threes, white tulips and other christmassy things they do not have in Zaragoza. (or Spain)
And then we had a party on saturday. It was great fun! Since it was in M's flat, we had total control over music and lots of space to dance in. Also we avoid the whole standing in a line to get drinks thing. The poor neighbour downstairs though...
Even better was that I woke up with no trace of hangover whatsoever, only a need to be alone and quiet after spending much time with people and noise. A lot of fun and no price to pay the day after. So evidently mulled wine and gin-tonics agree with me. (As opposed to Sangria and whatever-it-was-alcoholic beverage.) Thank you M for a great weekend!
(note I am getting all cryptic and only puts a letter for a name. Not that I have any aspirations/deluded hopes that this little blog will ever get read by more than a handful of people, but there are some weird folks out there and if I will not give my own name, there is no reason to give the names of my friends either. Since the only ones reading are friends anyhow, they'll know.)
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
It is almost here!!
I do this ever year. I have so much stuff I want to do in December, christmassy stuff like baking and candles and workshop and decorating. For me christmas is all of december and it sort of ends on the 25th when there is no more stuff to DO, only eating and vegging out on the sofa.
But I love this feeling of anticipation and the christmas three and finding gifts and...It is not stressful at all. It will only cause stress if it becomes an obligation. A chore. And since the only one in this household that has any expectation whatsoever is me, well, I am easy to please. Ikea-pepperkaker and a advent light in the window.
Tuesday, 28 October 2008

Sunday, 19 October 2008
Thursday, 18 September 2008
Friday, 12 September 2008
Nepal, part deux
Turns out, we have to give over the car to someone from the expo, since one cannot get in without accreditation. they take the car, It is going to be a minute. We wait with the man from the nepal pavillion. In conversation he let us know that the expo office have decided that no items should leave the area between the 1 and the 15 of september.
Eh? Why are we here then??
So at 0040 we get the car back. The man had loaded the bell in, so at least there is space, but at a security checkpoint they told him to go back and unload the car please. (the expo is guarded like a fortress.)
We will try again next week. With more clothes on. And maybe a termos with something hot in and a chair and a picknick basket..
Thursday, 11 September 2008
Anyway, don´t they have banks in Nepal? Umh. Maybe not. That is, I am sure they have in the larger cities, the ones you never see on discovery, since then you only see the final stages of the climbing of some mountain, I mean, they must have, cause there are many tourists. Anyway, this would all have been so much easier if I could just have transferred the money to an account.
And the bell is not even mine. It is one of my father´s many "caprichos". I do not know how to say it in english. And I cannot be bothered to look up the word in a dictionary either.
Anyway, I´ll post some pictures when I have them!
Saturday, 6 September 2008
I just perforated the freezer.
I just destroyed the fridge. And it is saturday so no bying new anything until monday, and that means not getting anything new until later next week.
murphy´s law
Friday, 5 September 2008
On other fronts exams are over and best not to talk about. I have decided I am not to blather out here repetitions of former mistakes. Focus on the good things. I have two weeks of vacation before classes start and I am determined to use them in a good way and not grow into a couch potato. tomorrow I will go to the pool and let the last rays of summer sun touch my body. with the excema I look a bit funny in a bikini, like I am burned but not quite that either. I just hope it won´t get worse with sun.
I have need of Pistacho-ice cream. No can do. No pistacho ice cream to be had in this town.
Saturday, 24 May 2008
can you hear the crckets "cricking" ?
I am submerged in my habitual exam-psychosis and have done one, three to go, so for the next three weeks I will not post much.
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
Not anymore
This sound really mystic.
The story is as follows: I have spent a week and a half looking at the ceiling doing my very best oustrich-with-her-head-in-the-sand-impersonation and would not go to class nor to the hospital where I was supposed to have practical lessons. Fear took over and I paralyze. But today I went, winning the fight and my "mentor" is nice and wanting to teach me stuff. I floated through the two hours. Now I am high on the I-DID-IT feeling. AND I get to make up for the lost time by being there every day next week.
Tuesday, 6 May 2008
Saturday, 19 April 2008
Video Session
Then I saw Ratatouille, a movie I have wanted to see for a long time, and was disappointed. It was "meh." The critics had been good as far as I can remember, but to me: Meh.
And then came James Bond. I like the gritty stile they have chosen and Daniel Craig does a great job. I am looking forward to the next ones. (the title song was dreadful: just meh.) I soo hope Amy winehouse (sp?) cleans up her act enough to do the song on the next one. Obviousely I want ther to clean up for her own sake, but...
Tuesday, 15 April 2008
Do not read while eating
So I have had a temperamental intestine since forever and at least 10 years. I stopped drinking milk and the gas diminished. The "OMG I need to go NOW!" also diminished, even though my vivtis to the toilet-troll was mostly of the liquid variant. "This must be lactose-intolerance" I thought and tried to stay away from cream and chocolate milk, being for the most part successful at it. I did continue to eat yoghurt and ocasionally cheese. Then about two years ago the lactose free milk came to the shops here and I was overjoyed, as I really looove milk.
And I did not get imediate gas-probles or worstening of diarrea. So I thought Yeah! I might have punched the air a couple of times.
Silly me. I now look back and see a sort of gradual worstening over the last years. And now I have tummy-ache every day and "OMG NOW" moments too every day. No weight loss though (I wish: see sidebar) and for the last 6 months I have been sick-free, so it is not as if I am not absorbing anything.
So tomorrow after shcool (did I mention I have stayed these two days home, near the toilet? No? Well now I did.) I AM GOING TO THE DOCTOR.
It is such a hoot. I really hate going to the doctor. But apparently it is not all that rare in the profession. Anyway, I am going tomorrow to get an appointment. yes ma'm! After delaying it since christmas for another week.
Monday, 14 April 2008
Wednesday, 9 April 2008
Good Moring
So, what I am trying to convince myself is that I should start getting up half an hour earlier, at six, to have time to diddle around, wake up AND get to class in time.
you can stop laughing now.
Friday, 4 April 2008
Friday, 28 March 2008
I cought myself thinking the other night " It is late, have to get up early tomorrow, cannot sleep..this is bad, this is so bad.." WTF? Why is that BAD? Ok, I'll be tired and a bit grumpy but why call it bad? I am constantly classifying things that happens and things I do in good or bad, throughout the day. Really, why am I doing this? Most things just is, so there is no need to put them in white or black boxes.
I seem to remember my shrink commenting on this some two years ago. I guess I am one of those persons who need to think it out on my own.. (taking two years..)
Note: I am not adding "This is bad". I did think it for a moment, but then I gave myself a mental slap.
Sunday, 23 March 2008
Home is where the heart is?
I read a blog that asked these questions and it got me thinking.
At the moment I call two places "home". One is in Norway, where I lived 10 years, where my father is from and where my parents still live. The other is in Spain where I study and live with my boyfriend.
But neither of those are cities where I can be comfortable about living "the rest of my life". The question that follows is: is there any such place for me? For anyone? I have not travelled that much, so it is very possible that "my place" is out there somewhere. It will have the Atlantic ocean close. The smell of sea is one of my favourites.
But also, I believe different places can be the right home in different times of life.
Where is your Home? If you have found it, that is.
Friday, 14 March 2008
Let´s play "If I won lots of money.."
1. Lots of medical textbooks. Farma, Radiology atlases, AP atlases....u name it. And a new shelf to hold them all.
2. Amazon.com. I really do not need to say anymore.
3. Max Mara. I love that shop. Not that I have ever entered, cause it is just too expensive. I do however drool in the window.
4. Shoes.
5. An appartment for my shoes and books and clothes.
It is around here that I remember I have a boyfriend.
6. Give boyfriend half the money
And then I remember my friends and family...My parents have all they could ever need of stuff so I´d probably just ask them if there was anything they lusted after.
7. By to parents anything they lust after.
8. Do the same with brothers and friends.
9. Donate to charities. (animal-shelters, people-shelters..)
10. By a car.
11. Get the drivers liscence.
12. Say "good bye" to Lånekassen.
13. By a piece of land to grow food on.
14. Furnish a working room with ever gadget there is to work with wood, paint etc.
15 Take a sewing course
16. Laser- hair removal (appointment would be made the day I recieved the news)
17. more ballet classes
The list goes on and on...
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
Why I am doing this? Cause I have got the stage bug. I love being on stage. I'll happily massacre my feet for the chance to dance onstage again. It is one of the things I miss the most from my hopeful-ballerina-in-training years.
As long as I get to wear a covering skirt. You know, covering as in noone will see my butt. No tutu for me.
oh, and I am also hooked on Facebook.
Monday, 10 March 2008
Inner peace
It is about a writer (herself) who after a nasty divorce go on a pilgrimage to "find herself". First to Rome to eat pasta and icecream, then to India to eat veggies and meditate in a retreat, before she heads for Bali to find love.
It is a light and funny read even though she is a frecuent user of the word God and other spirituality things. In my eyes that is an achievment. She also doesn´t go all "this is The Truth". So I liked it. Not earthshaking, but I passed a good time.
Friday, 7 March 2008
It is just so sad

Another politician in the Basque Region has been killed, in front of his wife and child..
I just do not get it. And I think it is wrong to call the people that do these thing for anything other than what they are: criminals, plain and simple. Not "terrorists" but criminals. In the basque region there is reduced liberty, as anyone who wants to do business there has to pay a "special tax", if not, they get all sorts of problems...Mafia-assosiations anyone? There is no liberty of political beliefs in certan areas, and yet "they" scream murder when political groups that have proven liks (economically and organizational) to ETA are banned.
It is a sad day for the basque region and my admiration goes to the politicians that continue despite the danger to their person and that of their family.
Note: I wrote this thinking that ETA had claimed responsability, but at the moment they have not done so.
Friday, 22 February 2008
Thursday, 21 February 2008
Umh. Lady. I began my english classes at ten like most other norwegians, and although there are various degrees of level, as in any subject, I think I can claim that all norwegians know enough english to have a enlightened conversation. (that they would Want to have this conversation is another subject..)
Not that I am against beginning early, but at the moment it would be a vaste of time and resourses. Because a Spaniard goes through his/her daily life without hearing a word of english. Unless he or she make an effort and activly search for it.
In Spain the Terminator and Marlon Brando have the same voice. Any snippet of english spoken on interwievs has a voice over translating it. All the series on tv are dubbed. They loose out so much of the interpretation of the actors..I almost feel pity for them if it were not for the fact that they want it this way! "We would not understand what they say" and "one would need to read so fast" and "but the translation to text would mean reducing the words.." These are some of the objections I hear the most. Bullshit. It may take a movie or two to get used to, but the text is there to convey the general meaning, to be filled out by the way the actor speaks the lines. One of the most important parts in the process of learning a language is to listen to it.
So, Lady, all those kids that learn english when they are two will in most cases never use what they learn on a daily basis, and therefore they will not retain it. It would do more good to stop the horrible dubbing, that is how we learn english in my home country. Beginning at 10 years.
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Evolution I get, as beeing a med student I read all about it in genetics and biology. It is not new territory. But Time is a bit harder. When they start with coneshapes and linear whatnots and paradoxes.. I go "dhuuu". Possibly a bit of saliva drooling. (Think Patrick Star, Spongebob´s best friend.) And this is the fat-free version of it all. But it is good for the brain. It has not been doing much thinking lately, merely trying to memorize stuff. Don´t get me wrong, learning things and memorizing them is hard work, but it doesn´t need any New Thinking. New Thinking is the one that makes the head feel sore.
Saturday, 16 February 2008
electon time
curiously there seem to be a similar thing going on in the republican party and in PP (the right-wing party) in that there is a battle between the hardcore conservatives and the more right-light. In the Us that is resolved in the voting. (I think) Voters want the light-version, they vote the light version.
The news is having lots of fun with the mayor of Madrid and the "senator" of the same region, both from PP. Here the fractions fight inside the party and the one who wins get to dictate politics of the party until there is a new fight. The voters don´t have much say in it, and the only way they can state their opininon is voting for another party.
Hmm. This did end up being about politics after all. And I who thought I was going to tell u all about my Free-cell abstinences...
Friday, 8 February 2008
I daydream of far away paradisiac islands with food dump once a day. (and also a fully funcional toilet with flusher under a palm three where I can do my thing and enjoy the sunset.)(and soft toilet paper)
Failing that I am happy to stay at home doing nothing and preferably in bed, under the covers. Not dealing with anything.
I am happy to report I am still showering, but the appetite is dwindling. Everything is just such an effort. If it was not for the fact that I cook food for A, I would not have eaten much at all. Defietivly a self-apreciation-self-love issue going on here. Namely, somewhere inside me there is this nasty old aunt that does not believe I can do It or Handle It.
Friday, 1 February 2008
shitty day
item number two; I have deleted all the games from windows, and can no longer spend hours doing free cell. It is a good thing in the long run, but I like playing free-cell!
item number three; have another exam on monday so cannot relax my brain from the down-turn today.
So at this moment I have in my head, embarrasment (over behaving in the silly way I do), anger, sadness, headache coming on, and generally hating myself for not "getting on with it". I mean, I know what I need to do. I know what I want to do, so why is it so effing hard to just do it? Courage is so hard to find sometimes, and specially when my fears are tied up in something so silly as an exam.
Ah well, I will lash myself a bit more, in private and then I have the joy of telling A I fucked up today, before leaving for the library I do not really like to study for the next one.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
the evils of spider solitaire
I read an interesting intewiew last weekend, with an prominet spanish surgeon about to turn 100 years sometime next year? It put me thinking about this profession I want to enter and the blind beliefs in Medicine and Sience, denying Risk and Death and the illness itself. I scrabbled down some thoughts and I want to continue reading on the topic. Just have to get exams out of the way. 4 weeks from now I will be "Free" to dedicate time to these other things. chance is I´ll set a new record in solitaire instead.