
Friday, 7 March 2008

It is just so sad

Another politician in the Basque Region has been killed, in front of his wife and child..

I just do not get it. And I think it is wrong to call the people that do these thing for anything other than what they are: criminals, plain and simple. Not "terrorists" but criminals. In the basque region there is reduced liberty, as anyone who wants to do business there has to pay a "special tax", if not, they get all sorts of problems...Mafia-assosiations anyone? There is no liberty of political beliefs in certan areas, and yet "they" scream murder when political groups that have proven liks (economically and organizational) to ETA are banned.

It is a sad day for the basque region and my admiration goes to the politicians that continue despite the danger to their person and that of their family.

Note: I wrote this thinking that ETA had claimed responsability, but at the moment they have not done so.

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