
Friday, 28 March 2008


I have had a revelation. Sort of.

I cought myself thinking the other night " It is late, have to get up early tomorrow, cannot sleep..this is bad, this is so bad.." WTF? Why is that BAD? Ok, I'll be tired and a bit grumpy but why call it bad? I am constantly classifying things that happens and things I do in good or bad, throughout the day. Really, why am I doing this? Most things just is, so there is no need to put them in white or black boxes.

I seem to remember my shrink commenting on this some two years ago. I guess I am one of those persons who need to think it out on my own.. (taking two years..)

Note: I am not adding "This is bad". I did think it for a moment, but then I gave myself a mental slap.

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