
Sunday, 20 January 2008

the evils of spider solitaire

I am still doing study diary and chocolate counting, only I am thinking of putting it is some form of graphic thingy. Ah, do not know. Anything taking up time is to be put out of my head, but when I spend hours doing the spider solitaire, it would be better overall if I did something a bit more challenging intelectually. (since I am not studying anyway..)

I read an interesting intewiew last weekend, with an prominet spanish surgeon about to turn 100 years sometime next year? It put me thinking about this profession I want to enter and the blind beliefs in Medicine and Sience, denying Risk and Death and the illness itself. I scrabbled down some thoughts and I want to continue reading on the topic. Just have to get exams out of the way. 4 weeks from now I will be "Free" to dedicate time to these other things. chance is I´ll set a new record in solitaire instead.

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