
Tuesday, 10 January 2012


Like I would ever be awake enough at 0630 to do something so intelectual as managing a camara..


0620: nooooo what is this weird noice, I have to stop it somehow (I am half dreaming, half awake, and have incorporated the alarm into my dream)

0715: I'd better put the alarm on 0900 just in case (I have seminario at 1030, have decided to miss out on classes 0800-1000, studied until late last night)

0845: have to get up to go to bathroom, and Freya is waking up. Do some washing of necesary bits.

0900: make breakfast and Coffe and sit down at the computer to wake up.

I'll sit here until 0955 when I will get dressed fast and go to class.

At no point have I had a thought in my head.

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