
Sunday, 29 January 2012

Older and older

Fisio was great, but more is needed, I was so knotted up it did not even hurt much..Pain is good! I want pain! But not, obviously, the one I have right now, witch is this burning sensation along the entire spine and around my shoulderblades. This getting older thing has it's shit.

On the whole I enjoy the passing of the years. I am profoundly happy I am not 17 any more. I like my crow feet, and the growing indifference about "what others think". It is liberating.

That is not to say I do not have a long way to go still, but I am determined to enjoy the journey.

  • nail polish because it keeps me from eating them up (the nails)
  • clear colored hats for grey vinter days, that keeps my head warm in El Cierzo
  • High heels, because. Just because.
  • tulle underskirts for the fun of it

I am also deciding that when the first grey hairs pop up, I'll leave them alone and see how it turns out.

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