I am getting a lot better at pep talking myself.
A socially accepted way to give in to my narcisistic tendencies. MY opinions, MY life, ME!!ME!!!...ahem. Sorry about that.
Monday, 30 January 2012
Ah, that wonderful feeling of exam coming up
I am afraid I'll chicken out tomorrow morning. I am afraid I'll fail if I go. Putting it into words, voicing it helps to reduce IT into something managable. I hope. I think so. Because I know a lot. I have learned a lot. Not everything, but a lot. So go at it! Try with everything! Jump! Because I can do it!
Sunday, 29 January 2012
Older and older
Fisio was great, but more is needed, I was so knotted up it did not even hurt much..Pain is good! I want pain! But not, obviously, the one I have right now, witch is this burning sensation along the entire spine and around my shoulderblades. This getting older thing has it's shit.
On the whole I enjoy the passing of the years. I am profoundly happy I am not 17 any more. I like my crow feet, and the growing indifference about "what others think". It is liberating.
That is not to say I do not have a long way to go still, but I am determined to enjoy the journey.
- nail polish because it keeps me from eating them up (the nails)
- clear colored hats for grey vinter days, that keeps my head warm in El Cierzo
- High heels, because. Just because.
- tulle underskirts for the fun of it
I am also deciding that when the first grey hairs pop up, I'll leave them alone and see how it turns out.
Sunday, 22 January 2012
Lazy like Sunday morning
No swimming today! What is this? you may ask. And I will respond with a series of words and profanities so foul I'll get a report and have to put age restricitions on this blog. Muscle pain from bum to top of head is not something to be had with any grace when one is having to sit for hours studying. I figured going swimming would not be a good idea. I have Fisio tomorrow and I look forward to it like christmas.
Meanwhile, I'll think about where to go on holiday this year. I got 1000 NOK (about 120€) to use for a trip from my parent for xmas, and I want to go somewhere alone. I want to see if traveling alone is something I will enjoy: I will for sure with museums and parks and graveyards, but maybe not so much the eating every meal alone.
I also have Eurobonus points I need to use, and I think september between end of exams and start at uni is a good time. A part of me wants to go somewhere I have already been: Like Berlin, to visit the medicine museum at their uni, go to cool contemporary dance performances and see the botanical garden again. London: museums, performances, parks: there is so much to see.
In a way it makes sense, because it will be a long weekend kind of trip, and the first day in a new place always goes away to getting oriented and if I have been there already there is no need for that.
But suggestions are welcome!
Tuesday, 17 January 2012
I got money
I just got a message from Lanekassen, a student loan- bank in Norway, and they give me loan for this year, and it is such a huge relief, and that means no working in easter, less working in summer, no worries about where to get the money for Freyas vet bills in March ( vaccines etc)...
Monday, 16 January 2012
Soundtrack of my 2 month exam period
I am going to be in la-la-exam land until the 16th of march, and here is the music that is going to keep me sane: I went "shopping" at my brothers computer and this is some of what I got: (plus some I "shopped" in summer)
- Thunder Lightning and Rolling Blackout , The Go! Team
- Since I left you and Rarities&Remixes, The Avalanches
- Penguin Cafe
- Kruder&Dorfmeister
- Maintenant, Gigi
- Innerspeaker, Tame Impala
- M83
- Fleet Foxes
- H.P. Lovecraft
- Focus
- Tycho
- Daft Punk
- Chinoiseries, Onra
- Artefacts, Aether
- She and Him
This is most of the stuff I have put on my ipod (I hate you iTunes) but I have loads more on my passport.
Tuesday, 10 January 2012
Like I would ever be awake enough at 0630 to do something so intelectual as managing a camara..
0620: nooooo what is this weird noice, I have to stop it somehow (I am half dreaming, half awake, and have incorporated the alarm into my dream)
0715: I'd better put the alarm on 0900 just in case (I have seminario at 1030, have decided to miss out on classes 0800-1000, studied until late last night)
0845: have to get up to go to bathroom, and Freya is waking up. Do some washing of necesary bits.
0900: make breakfast and Coffe and sit down at the computer to wake up.
I'll sit here until 0955 when I will get dressed fast and go to class.
At no point have I had a thought in my head.
Monday, 9 January 2012
here is an idea for a blog post
Where did I see it? Anyways, aparently there are bloggers who post their morning routine, complete with photos, and I sort of got inspired, so tomorrow I'll do my version.
Sunday, 8 January 2012
Swimming, again
40 minutes today, in a packed pool, but with swimming people in my lane this time! Oh, bliss! Thus I get to push myself a little: can I keep ut their tempo, will they overtake me..El Huevo is THE place to be for action on a Sunday morning...
I am enjoying the last hours of solitude before my flat mates returns. One day, in the not too distant future I will live alone. I crave it.
And now it is time to bog down, strap my seatbelt and study for farmacologia and obstetricia..
Sunday, 1 January 2012
Same procedure as every year, James
Best wishes to all for the new year!
Christmas has gone past in a whirl: it is always that way when I work, and I miss stuff I would like to do and see: Gløgg every night (not so cool when I get home at 2330 dead tired..), tv stuff they typically send when I am at work, or just about to go..
I think back on last year, last 1. january, and oh my, I have come a looong way. It feels good to sense some maturing and growth going on, not just the passage of time.
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