I admire anyone with an e-reader right now. Cause there are a lot of WTF?? after canoodeling around the internets looking into restrictions and prices. At Amazon, trad pub romances as eBooks are MORE EXPENSIVE that the paperback. They have no storage need, no distribution system, no printing, no un-sold books coming back, no paper, no ink. And yet they charge more. For something I assume would only be mine for a limited period of time. No way.
Also I find it weird that amazon.uk sent me to amazon.com. They can sell me ebooks from the us but not from the uk?
I looked through recomended self pub places. The number of established romance authors doing this is very small. Also, those that chose pub it! (B&N) have eliminated from their reader pool any person living outside the US.
So, what I have learned is this: if one wants to read romance in english as eBooks, one has to be one of the following: a)very rich and guillable, b) having no ethical qualms about piracy, c) living in the US, d)tech-savy knowing how to fake/hide the ips-thingy or whatever it is called, e)write them yourself.
As far as I could tell, the combined virtual bookstore was, compared to print books, disapointingly small. I really believed it was not as bad as I found it to be.
Well, hopefully, by the time I have saved enough centimos to by an eReader, there will be better options out there.
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