
Thursday, 31 March 2011

I closed the door before the goat had been let loose

Max temp today is supposed to be 24 ºC. I am so happy to be living in Zaragoza. I have to add that 24º here is not pool-temperature. Not ever short sleeves temp. People here go "Oh, spring, I can open up the zipper of my jacket.." I am more like "It's SUMMERTIME!" In their defense it is (surprise) windy and el cierco is def not 24ºC. In my defense it is not even April and more than 20ºC.

I think I hit my well-bottom on monday. Hopefully.

I had a coffe with the ex yesterday, thinking he had something to tell me, but we just chattered and time went quick and I am sort of not angry anymore, unless I sit down and think about all that has happened. So I won't.

Going home in one week. Please no snow? I can deal with lots of things but please no snow.

I am thinking of getting a piggy-bank and start saving money for an e-reader, but I have to look up all those geografic-restrictions things. There is no point having one if the only way I will be able to read the books I want is to get all teck-savy and piaraty and having to learn about dm-whatevers. Also I have no delusion about being entitled to free books, I think an author should get paid. One of the reasons for this is that one of my favourite romance authors is going to publish books on her own as ebooks. Eagerly awaited secuels to All through the night and As you Desire. (Yes. For you none-romance-reading-readers: The titles are cheesy, but no more so than The omega conpiracy and Dragon-saver. It is genre fiction, people.) But she is an US based author, and I need to figure out if this is going to be a problem or not. I sort of think that if she does it all on her own there will be no problem, it is only through the big trad publishers that such things as geo-restrictions come in play, but I am not sure, so I'll have to snoop about.

Freya says hi! Or, she says miau, but really it is "I am bored out of my mind! Look at me!"

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