
Friday, 25 February 2011

Not so fast..

I went to the university! I presented myself at the examination room! Yey! And they had changed the date to next friday! Yey?

My first reaction was relief: one more week to read, the thing I always dream of on exam day. And then I realized it would mean one more week in biofisica-land. :(

But then I thought: Hey! This will give me another opportunity to battle my fear! Cool!

And then I went home and had a meltdown of anger and grief over the Breakup. Just to round off the day with snot and tears.

Things that brightened the day:
- The Professor said she is planning to go lightly on the correction of the exams.
- I bought cool shimmery eyeshadow
- I found some great point shoes. Please Godess of The Pointshoe: let them be great!
- I had a piece of chocolate cake
- There is also a bar of Lindt Dark shocolate with cherry and chile
- 1/2 hour of Tom and Jerry on telly

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