
Friday, 28 March 2008


I have had a revelation. Sort of.

I cought myself thinking the other night " It is late, have to get up early tomorrow, cannot sleep..this is bad, this is so bad.." WTF? Why is that BAD? Ok, I'll be tired and a bit grumpy but why call it bad? I am constantly classifying things that happens and things I do in good or bad, throughout the day. Really, why am I doing this? Most things just is, so there is no need to put them in white or black boxes.

I seem to remember my shrink commenting on this some two years ago. I guess I am one of those persons who need to think it out on my own.. (taking two years..)

Note: I am not adding "This is bad". I did think it for a moment, but then I gave myself a mental slap.

Sunday, 23 March 2008

Home is where the heart is?

Where is Home? How do you know when you are Home? What is it really?

I read a blog that asked these questions and it got me thinking.

At the moment I call two places "home". One is in Norway, where I lived 10 years, where my father is from and where my parents still live. The other is in Spain where I study and live with my boyfriend.

But neither of those are cities where I can be comfortable about living "the rest of my life". The question that follows is: is there any such place for me? For anyone? I have not travelled that much, so it is very possible that "my place" is out there somewhere. It will have the Atlantic ocean close. The smell of sea is one of my favourites.

But also, I believe different places can be the right home in different times of life.

Where is your Home? If you have found it, that is.

Friday, 14 March 2008

Let´s play "If I won lots of money.."

I am daydreaming lately about winning lots of money, and the things I would by. so here is a list:

1. Lots of medical textbooks. Farma, Radiology atlases, AP atlases....u name it. And a new shelf to hold them all.
2. I really do not need to say anymore.
3. Max Mara. I love that shop. Not that I have ever entered, cause it is just too expensive. I do however drool in the window.
4. Shoes.
5. An appartment for my shoes and books and clothes.

It is around here that I remember I have a boyfriend.

6. Give boyfriend half the money

And then I remember my friends and family...My parents have all they could ever need of stuff so I´d probably just ask them if there was anything they lusted after.

7. By to parents anything they lust after.
8. Do the same with brothers and friends.

9. Donate to charities. (animal-shelters, people-shelters..)

10. By a car.
11. Get the drivers liscence.
12. Say "good bye" to Lånekassen.
13. By a piece of land to grow food on.
14. Furnish a working room with ever gadget there is to work with wood, paint etc.
15 Take a sewing course
16. Laser- hair removal (appointment would be made the day I recieved the news)
17. more ballet classes

The list goes on and on...

Tuesday, 11 March 2008


Oh dear oh dear. In three months time I am going to do a variation from Le Corsaire on stage, on point. After 8 YEARS of lazy absence I can barely do a releve and got a painful blister after 15 min with the shoes on. It is going to be an intresting time.

Why I am doing this? Cause I have got the stage bug. I love being on stage. I'll happily massacre my feet for the chance to dance onstage again. It is one of the things I miss the most from my hopeful-ballerina-in-training years.

As long as I get to wear a covering skirt. You know, covering as in noone will see my butt. No tutu for me.

oh, and I am also hooked on Facebook.

Monday, 10 March 2008

Inner peace

I was recommended Eat Pray Love by a friend and I read it last night and of course now I am all yoga-meditation-inner love-discipline...Pequeño saltamonte..

It is about a writer (herself) who after a nasty divorce go on a pilgrimage to "find herself". First to Rome to eat pasta and icecream, then to India to eat veggies and meditate in a retreat, before she heads for Bali to find love.

It is a light and funny read even though she is a frecuent user of the word God and other spirituality things. In my eyes that is an achievment. She also doesn´t go all "this is The Truth". So I liked it. Not earthshaking, but I passed a good time.

Friday, 7 March 2008

It is just so sad

Another politician in the Basque Region has been killed, in front of his wife and child..

I just do not get it. And I think it is wrong to call the people that do these thing for anything other than what they are: criminals, plain and simple. Not "terrorists" but criminals. In the basque region there is reduced liberty, as anyone who wants to do business there has to pay a "special tax", if not, they get all sorts of problems...Mafia-assosiations anyone? There is no liberty of political beliefs in certan areas, and yet "they" scream murder when political groups that have proven liks (economically and organizational) to ETA are banned.

It is a sad day for the basque region and my admiration goes to the politicians that continue despite the danger to their person and that of their family.

Note: I wrote this thinking that ETA had claimed responsability, but at the moment they have not done so.