The cherries are coming! The cherries are coming!
It's cherry time, it is warm outside and my mood has improved. These hormones. I probably put on too much bodylotion with parabens. (One of my zapping programs I saw simultaniously as GP on saturday was a documentry about reduced spermquality and hormon inducing bodylotions.)
Anyways, this is not to be about creepy chemicals, but about cherries!
My grandfather had an enormous cherry three in his garden, and since he did not ship any of it off to make syroup or jam, we grandkids were allowed to eat as much as we could. To make summer perfect, it was a climbable three with good branches to sit in and munch too belly-explotion.
Cherries (or Moreller) are summer and vacations. So are strawberries, but those the deers ate up before much fruit could come out. Here in Spain strawberries are in season in march/april, and that is just wrong. Mostly because I do not feel like strawberries then, while in june when the ich starts, there is not a berry to be had. But I found some now, and they are delicious.
One thing about cherries is that they also reminds me of Twin Peaks. I never actually got to see the series, as my parents said no when it aired on norwegian television (and I got enough David Lynch seeing Mulholland Drive, thank you very much). But I did manage to see a scene, where a beautiful woman put a twin cherry in her mouth, with the stem, and made a knot with it. (the stem) I was Awed and Impressed and I have wanted to do that ever since. (not enough to actually sit down and practice. )
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