
Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Ah! Tea, woll..wooll...blankets of wool and a woodpecker

I have a camera! And it is cool! And it is chilly outside so I rather not put one toe outdoors until I must. Although today looks pretty decent. Fresh but no wind and birds chirping. I might go hunting for a BlÄveis or a Hestehov. If I find any I'll post pictures. Too early for Hvitveis yet, but if the weather behaves there might be some just before I leave for Spain again.

Yup. I am home in Norway and for once I have managed to hit spring. And I can see the sun!

It is good to be home and just slug about without anyone getting worried or think I am weird. I suspect slugging-genes are not abundant in zaragoza. At least not in the people I know. I think most of them could benefit. There is something to lie in bed all day reading and munching chocolate and only get up for bathroom visits. Without being sick. Or depressed. Just lying in a cocoon of warm eiderdown and new bedsheets revisiting favorite worlds and drinking tea. Without ANY PLANS! No plans. No list of stuff to do. No "I'll slug until three and then.. " Obviously I can do this because I do not have anything to do, much. I mean, I brought notes, but I am going to study some at work, and in the mornings when doing evening shift.

Obviously I am not going to be a potato for long. I work Thursday until Sunday with the ever lovely mix of day and evening that leaves me more tired than night shifts. Weird stuff.

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