
Saturday, 30 April 2011

And then, I will TAKE OVER THE WORLD!

I use youtube rarely. Because I am weak and trying to study and feeling a bit down, and that is when SpongeBob and Animaniacs and Tom&Jerry whisper, and is some cases Scream to me with lures of laughter and catchy frazes noone in Spain understands, such as "Imagination" and "Narf" and evil grinch smiling and heeeelooooo nurse!

Some days I really feel the cultural bridge thingy. I mean, I cannot even do stuff from StarWars, they have grown up with spanish words and different voices.

But today I treated myself to some Pinky and the Brain. Narf.

The bet is up: how many times will I now say narf over the weekend?

Friday, 29 April 2011

I want gills for my birthday

I have water in my right ear. It is annoying. Also I discovered there are benefits to swimming in a pool full of people: I get so annoyed and busy trying not to tuch anyone that time flies. Today I had a lane all to my self and it was booooring. And slow. And my goggles fog up and the water I have in them to avoid it sting my eyes and I get goggle marks for the rest of the day. Whine, whine.

I also bought el cheapo tickets for summer with Lufthansa (alas nowhere exiting, only home), and ate half a bag of Bamsemums, so my day has definitivly gone up. Obiously those two in the picture are going the way of their companions and loose their heads.

Thursday, 28 April 2011

Spring photos

This is the promised Hvitveis covering the " forest-floor" (aka small strip between road and houses). It looks like snow, only warmer. And on top of that blogger put, turned around no idea why, my photo of Hestehov, the subject of heartwarming stories each spring of tiny kids finding the first at the society pagees in the local newspaper.

Our local newspaper has managed that rare thing: to stay local. In consecuence it is thin and navel gazing. But also a great read for us gossiping locals, with passionate letters about the fate of old public threes, what design should be allowed on new constuction inside the old city center, and the various fractions in politics insulting one another. And cutesy pictures of kids with springs first Hestehov.

Sunday, 17 April 2011


Someday I will have a garden, even if it is a balcony garden with lots of pretty ceramic pots and miniature hot-houses, and a pretty wrought iron table and comfy chairs. And I will have roses that smell of summer. (This rose is from the neighbour's garden, from last year.)
Someday I will have a home of my own, not too big, but a space of tranquility and comfort, with lush fabrics and bright colors and cats.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Ah! Tea, woll..wooll...blankets of wool and a woodpecker

I have a camera! And it is cool! And it is chilly outside so I rather not put one toe outdoors until I must. Although today looks pretty decent. Fresh but no wind and birds chirping. I might go hunting for a Blåveis or a Hestehov. If I find any I'll post pictures. Too early for Hvitveis yet, but if the weather behaves there might be some just before I leave for Spain again.

Yup. I am home in Norway and for once I have managed to hit spring. And I can see the sun!

It is good to be home and just slug about without anyone getting worried or think I am weird. I suspect slugging-genes are not abundant in zaragoza. At least not in the people I know. I think most of them could benefit. There is something to lie in bed all day reading and munching chocolate and only get up for bathroom visits. Without being sick. Or depressed. Just lying in a cocoon of warm eiderdown and new bedsheets revisiting favorite worlds and drinking tea. Without ANY PLANS! No plans. No list of stuff to do. No "I'll slug until three and then.. " Obviously I can do this because I do not have anything to do, much. I mean, I brought notes, but I am going to study some at work, and in the mornings when doing evening shift.

Obviously I am not going to be a potato for long. I work Thursday until Sunday with the ever lovely mix of day and evening that leaves me more tired than night shifts. Weird stuff.

Tuesday, 5 April 2011


It is hard to be down when the sun is shining, birds are chirping and teasing Freya. She has spent the morning trying to claw her way through the window to get at this tiny birdie seated just outside, looking at her.

I really liked The Wise Man's Fear, and now I am crossing toes and fingers that the writing of the last book will go a bit easier than this one. Two years is a long time to be kept hanging in the middle of a story.

I will go home on friday to work for a couple of weeks, and doing little offerings to the weather gods so that there will be no snow..

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Sand in my head

I read Wise Man's Fear in one go. During the night. So now I have a hangover. My head in sand, my mouth is dry and my body is complaining.