
Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Iiiiiiiittt's Christmas!

The stars are out, and that is about that since we are going away to England for the holidays and eat stuffed turkey til we get stuffed ourselves. And also because of the Big Move wich is about to bomb our household. The key to the new flat will be picked up today, and we will be out of this rented flat ending January. A thinks we will be in the new flat also ending January, but I just smile slightly pitying and tell him not to get his hopes up.

I am also bying kitchen with is scary, because it is the most expensive thing I have bought to this day, and I feel like we should by it on Ikea, as cheap as possible, even though my mother insist on us geting something better. So I have been asking for prices in these expensive looking shops and yes, Ikea is way cheaper. But the kitchen is small so custom made is the most practical since 10 cm lost is 10 cm too many.

I'll make before and after photos. Promise.

Just to make the timing even better, I will be in exams all through January until mid February. Just the thought makes me want to scream.

But that is JAnuary, now it is Christmas!

To night I will see "Grevinnen og hovmesteren" (the countess and the butler) because it has been posted on youtube. So at least one tradition that will be upheld.

Merry christmas everyone!

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