
Friday, 15 May 2015

Nothing much to say really

I have not written nor posted anything since february last year. Now; some do this and their lives have been full of moving houses, births and new jobs and whatnot and it is easy to understand that words had to be saved for real life stuff.

This is what I have done since then:

  •  Mediated between my parents' big bruiser of a cat and the neighbours' slightly smaller, but far more tenatious cat. This involves a lot of swearing, and depending on the weather sometimes a lot of clothes must come on. Then it is to locate them; this part is fairly easy as there is a lot of noise. Then to locate a rake or a shovel and try to intimidate the intruder into leaving. (My size is apparently not enough. Neither is clapping hands. And no; I never acctually touch the cat with the tool in question.)

  • Sitting on the commuter bus to Oslo. Again, And again. 

  •  Made less then awsome xmas cakes. 

  •  Broke my foot just as last summer's heatwave hit Oslo and spent two weeks on the sofa, in 30 deg C, bored to tears. (Good thing: no cast. That would have been horrible. As it was I was just sweaty, grumpy and exhausted. Imagine ichy on top of that...)

  •  Started studying clinical nutrition. There is one exam per semester, so I survive. Not very elegantly: exam prep involves tears, desperation, vomiting and insomnia. But then it is done. No 5-exams-in-two-weeks bullshit. Since it is a five year masters, I'll graduate before turning 40. Go me!

  •  Completed pepper panic saga.

  •  Discovered grunge/alt rock 20 years after the fact. What was I listening to in the nineties? I remember Enya, Boheme and Enigma. Lots of classical music and that my friends loved Blur and Smashing Pumpkins. 

  •  become hooked on one-note lists. 

  •  done laundry

  •  eaten lots of chocolate chip cookies