
Saturday, 17 March 2012

I actually found the energy to take a picture

I made food today. You know, cooking and cutting and stirring. No microwaves got involved. Yeah! Cooking! I can feel my stomach giving thanks to the universe for finally recieving something homemade with lots of fiber and little salt.
Dinners (comidas) this week has been all about heating up shop bought tortilla de patata, pasta with mozzarella (like mac&cheese only with ravioli and mozzarella), food from En Embullicion that bust my budget (but sooo good) and a trip to McDonalds. No cooking in other words, because of an exam on friday and classes 14-15 that I'll have next week too.

In reality I'm almost on a Norwegian scedule as far as eating go, but since luch-hour is a mythical creature at my uni, getting ready to cook at 1600 after little to no food since 0730 is not a happy moment.

So today I made risotto Provenzale and have enough to freeze portions and eat later this week.

The black dog is hiding under the bed. Stay there, please doggy?

Saturday, 10 March 2012


So, my particulary black dog has arrived, being more of a grey, but I have exam in a weeks time and cannot sit staring at the wall.

I know so well that the doggy will get bored and go somewhere else in a few weeks time, but until then..

Monday, 5 March 2012

Is it...can it be..?

I have a sneaky feeling Spring depression is on its way as;

  1. Little to no appetite: evidence: I have chocolate ice cream in the freezer and I am not stuffing my face.
  2. Getting up in the mornings is a process of several hours
  3. I feel overwhelmed: I am doing too many creditos this year
  4. I get lost in contemplation: Spent about 20 minutes in the changing cubicle at El huevo (THE chiquest it-place to be hanging out in Zaragoza) and I still have no recollection of what I was thinking of.
But I am still showering and whoohoo! The shampoo/conditioner I bought at my hairdresser works really well and I can now go up to three days without having to wash my hair. I manage to study: I have Bactericemia waiting for me when I finish here. I go to the practicas and to the mandatory classes, so all hope is not lost.

To morrow is tuesday and I have finally figured out what all the noices are from the flat below. I thought at first it was a group of theater sport aficionados: they would be really chatty and laughing and doing group talking (one of the things you do in improvisaton-games). But then I realized they are learing chinese or japanese. One day I want to lears chinese as well. Maybe I could do it for creditos libres next year, if there is a course at the uni?