To night I am going to by a ceremonial bell from Nepal. Jupp. You heard right. (Or read in this case) A big 100 kg bell with carmed framework from the himalaya mountains. I will post pictures when we have it at home. The paying is turning into a problem though. Because of safety reasons, I can only take out something like 1000 € per 4 days, and the bell costs about the double. Boyfriend is going to help, so finally we will have the cash, but it is really annoying. I have been taking out money in the minibanks feeling as if the money in my bag was calling out, making signals to everyone, much like a passenger on his first cruise, standing on deck as the boat leaves the port. The relief of arriving home, unrobbed..
Anyway, don´t they have banks in Nepal? Umh. Maybe not. That is, I am sure they have in the larger cities, the ones you never see on discovery, since then you only see the final stages of the climbing of some mountain, I mean, they must have, cause there are many tourists. Anyway, this would all have been so much easier if I could just have transferred the money to an account.
And the bell is not even mine. It is one of my father´s many "caprichos". I do not know how to say it in english. And I cannot be bothered to look up the word in a dictionary either.
Anyway, I´ll post some pictures when I have them!